Acupuncturists address health concerns by identifying root causes and treating the body from the ground up.

Our pain, sleep disorders, fertility issues, digestive distress, mood imbalances, respiratory problems — the list goes on — do not exist in a vacuum. These issues can almost always be seen as a part of a greater pattern. To understand and correct these patterns, we must be able to view the body based on the foundational principles of balance.

Our bodies shift constantly in response to external and internal forces. When those shifts occur effortlessly and without pain or disease, that is the definition of health. We are able to rebalance and continue to move forward. Other times we experience a shift and find ourselves completely thrown. This is where we see the symptoms occur. When we are experiencing pain or disease it means something is amiss. We are out of balance.

Put simply, acupuncture restores balance — and therefore health — to the body, mind, and spirit.