How I Used Acupuncture to Support My Pregnancies
Photo of our daughter captured shortly after her birth in 2019 by our doula, photographer and friend, Lindsey Eden.
When I speak with clients about the benefits of receiving acupuncture during pregnancy, much of what I say comes from personal experience.
I was fortunate to work with two incredible acupuncturists throughout both of my pregnancies: Dr. Christine Cannon in Denver with my first in 2019, and Kristina Aschenbach in Richmond with my second in 2021.
My experience of pregnancy, while positive overall, oftentimes felt lonely and I was constantly on the lookout for connection. In both cases my acupuncturist became an integral part of my care team and served as an essential “check-in” point between regular prenatal visits. I relished the opportunity to discuss my ups-and-downs in a safe, nurturing environment with a provider who took an active interest in the details of my day-to-day experience.
Acupuncture also gave me something to “do” where pregnancy can feel like a world of “don’t.”
After being told time and again that pregnancy-related symptoms (depression, nausea, pain, fatigue, the list goes on...) are “normal, temporary, and sorry there isn’t much we can do about it” – an acupuncture session would be right around the corner to provide relief. My sessions also went beyond resolving symptoms and helped nourish a deeper connection to my body, mind, and baby. Lying on the table letting the pins do their work, my mind was finally able to fall quiet and these were often the times I could feel the baby move most. (No surprise my kids love acupuncture to this day!)
Toward the end of the third trimester (when things tend to get real), my gratitude for the extra reassurance, support, and moments of rest (plus TCM’s famous “prepare the body for labor” points) hit its highest point. During those final days of pregnancy when the possibility of labor is all-consuming, I found respite in the simplicity of being in my acupuncturist’s office – which had by now become a place so comfortable and familiar I felt more relaxed just seeing the appointment on the calendar – and peace knowing I had taken extra measures to help my pregnancy and labor progress with a little more balance and ease.
June 2022